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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Birthday Cake

So, I decided that I was going to make myself this amazing pink ruffle cake for my birthday a while back.  I decided that it was awesome and I wanted to create my own birthday cake awesomeness.  

Now, I do not have any cake decorating background or any training.  Just a crazy idea to try my hand at decorating.  I had fun... and so did my little one- swiping the icing!!

I first saw the idea from this blog via Pinterest.  I love the way hers looks!

I found this great tutorial video that shows you how to make your own ruffles.  Get your decorating bag and flat decorator tip. ;)

So, without further adieu, here are pictures of my cake.... in all it's glory... or whatever. :)

Remember, don't mind the swipe marks- my little one must have thought the cake was amazing.  The little one wouldn't leave it alone. 

This is how it started.  A four layer strawberry cake.  I started with a foundation layer-dirty iced.

Here's where I have half the side done.  Hiding a few swipe marks on the far left :)

All done!

A view from the top
So, a whole afternoon devoted to this cake, two batches of strawberry cake, and two and a half batches of pink buttercream frosting... we have a ruffle cake!

Warning: It did taste much more "awesome" than it looked.


Here's an update to this original post.  I had made a wreath for my sister's wedding shower, and I didn't have a picture.  Well... now I do!

Thanks, sis!

Here's the lovely wreath:

Have a great day!